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8 Tips To Refresh Your Rental Apartment

Living in a rental apartment can sometimes feel a bit mundane and boring, mostly because you are not allowed to do big changes — tearing down a wall to expand your kitchen or the living room is not a good idea when you are renting. However, refreshing your living space does not have to involve demolition or structural rearrangements.

Heron Pointe Apartments knows that, rental or not, you want to feel at home wherever you live. We want you to get up every day and walk around your home feeling like everything is the way you like and that being inside your home is fulfilling. That’s why we bring you this post to help you get new ideas to refresh your rental apartment so you can have a new perspective and switch up your living space!

Add Some Green

If you are in the mood to update your rental apartment, you can start small by adding a plant which can change the vibe of an entire room. For this, do a little research before buying a plant at random. If you have plenty of space near the windows and these areas receive a lot of sunlight, then you might look into a plant that can take the extended hours of sunlight and that can remain on your window sill most of the time.

If you are looking to decorate a corner that’s mostly under the shade, you probably want to go with a shade plant to avoid having to move it every day in and out of the sun’s light. Also, consider how much care you are willing to provide to the plant — if you are busy most of the time, a succulent is a great option since they tend to be good almost anywhere and don’t require a lot of attention.

Find an Adequate Planter

If you are going with a bigger plant or decided to make the new plant a statement piece, then you might need to dig a little deeper to find a planter that suits your style while being a good match for your plant and the room is going to be located.

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Update The Bathroom

Your bathroom is one of the areas of your rental apartment that can change easily without actually needing to perform some magical remodeling. Changing simple things like your shower curtains, adding a new shower carpet, changing your toilet seat, or updating your shower head, it’s plenty of transformation to make your bathroom look and feel completely different.

You don’t have to concern yourself with expending big sums of money to make these changes happen. A minimalistic shower curtain can be around $10 or if you are looking to fancy it up, you can find elaborate designs or materials for under $40 — no need to break the bank!

The Small Details Count: Switch & Plug Plates

Whenever you rent an apartment, most of the time you are not able to decide if your furniture is going to match what’s already there. Things like ceiling fans, chimneys, and kitchen appliances are going to be a little more difficult to change. However, you can change other smaller aspects like the plates on light switches and power plugs to match the colors of your furniture or the style that you are going for.

This is a very simple and cost-effective solution to decorating your home to make it look different. The best part about it is that once you move out you can take the plates with you and do the same on a future home since most of the plates are standardized.

Cover a Wall

You can use fabrics and other materials, along with easy-to-peel double-sided tape, to cover an entire wall and create your own accent wall without the need to paint or put holes in the walls. You can go online and look at the many options that you have available or commission a piece from your local artists to support local talent!

Rugs & Carpets

Using a nice carpet or rug can really change a room. Adding a colorful rug under the living room’s coffee table can change the feel of the area and be a more inviting place for the kids to go in a play there. Even if you have carpeted floors you can add a different color rug to break the monotone feel of the carpet.

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Light It Up!

Lighting is key when trying to set the mood for your rental apartment. If you have a vibrant white light in the living room you could either change the entire approach of the room and have a warmer light to set a more intimate mood or add a lamp on a corner next to a futon to create a reading area. When you play with lights and light colors, you can revamp an entire room by simply purchasing a couple of different bulbs or lamps — you don’t need to move anything else.

DIY Furniture Rework

Perhaps you’ve had the same furniture for years or some accident modified the look of your furniture. If that’s the case, you can get your hands dirty and update your furniture pieces to completely change the style. You can simply change the color of the furniture or if it’s wood, you can sand it and make it look closer to natural wood to give your home a more rustic vibe. With DIY, there are endless possibilities!

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Don’t be discouraged about your home looking exactly the same as it did when you moved in. By moving stuff around or buying a couple of inexpensive items, you can refresh the look of your rental apartment in no time.

Now, if you are not liking your living arrangements anymore and you have done all you could to your rental apartment, then consider visiting the Heron Pointe Apartments floor plans page and checking out our units. We offer many in-suite and on-site amenities that can make you love the place you live in once more. Contact our team today for more information!